The Partnership System : Let’s Make Everyone’s Life Easier ⛱️

Developers want to spend their time developing, pushing out awesome features and making the best product possible. To them, marketing strategy and partnerships with influencers sounds as much fun as wisdom tooth extraction. We can’t completely (at least not yet) relieve them from these tasks, but we can surely make the process easier!
The partnership system allows developers to easily find trustworthy content creators to promote their project. The transaction between the two actors will be overseen by Social Rocket and the funds locked in a smart-contract until obligations are met. In case of litigation, Social Rocket will take care of the dispute settlement. ⚖️

After a collaboration is over, both parties will be able to leave each other a review. The sum of those reviews will make up a trust score, displayed on their user’s account pages.
Imagine you are a developer looking for a trustworthy business partner, who would you choose? 😏

Positioning itself as a great collaboration aggregator, Social Rocket has the potential to attract developers. We want cryptosphere actors to know that a positive trust score on Social Rocket is a quality guarantee. Our promise: No more scammy deals with crappy views/comments buyers!
See you soon on Social Rocket!